Join Us in Transforming Erie County: A Future Built Together

A Blueprint for Our Children’s Future

Our commitment to education in Erie County goes beyond the basics. We aim to guarantee that every child, no matter where they live, has access to unparalleled educational opportunities. We will champion funding for enriched STEAM, arts, and vocational programs. Moreover, integrating emotional learning and wellness into the curriculum prepares our students for life’s challenges, not just the job market.

Healthcare for Every Erie and PA Resident

Healthcare should be a universal right. We plan to dramatically expand access to affordable healthcare, emphasizing mental health services and women’s rights. Our fight against the opioid epidemic involves community support programs, ensuring no one fights their battles alone.

Revitalizing Our Economy with Sustainability at Heart

We’re set to rejuvenate Erie County’s economy by backing local businesses and initiating green infrastructure projects. Fair wages and workers’ rights are at the forefront of our economic policy. Investing in renewable energy positions Erie County as an economic leader mindful of environmental preservation.

Environmental Stewardship: Our Commitment to Preservation

Erie County’s natural beauty is our treasure. We pledge to protect our environment through conservation efforts, clean energy promotion, and sustainable practices. Our vision includes a county that leads by example in environmental care, ensuring a verdant future.

Justice and Equality: Building an Inclusive Community

Justice and equality form the foundation of our mission. We’re dedicated to criminal justice reform, LGBTQ+ rights, and racial equality. Through active policies and community engagement, we aim to create an Erie County where everyone has the opportunity to prosper.

A Safe Erie County for All

Public safety is a paramount concern. We advocate for sensible gun control measures and foster community policing to strengthen trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Addressing violence at its roots is key to ensuring a peaceful Erie County.

Your involvement is crucial to bringing about this change. With your support and your vote, we can turn these plans into action. Let’s work together to create a brighter future for Erie County.